Ella es redonda


Poetry, thoughts, and a few things in between...

Excuse Me, I'm Married

I could have been a different wife.

The wife that had your three children.

Each named after you, or your uncle, or your brother, or your mother,

Or that sister of yours that I hate.

The one that waits for you to come home, with your dinner ready on the table as you walk through the door.

I could have been the wife that is quiet.

You know, the one that only speaks when spoken to

Or the one that laughs only at your jokes and never at my own- only at my own when I’m alone.

The wife that learned all of your lingo and learned to watch all of your shows.

I could have been the wife that watches what she eats, and never orders dessert and studied to be a nurse because that’s a good profession.

I could have been the wife that you made your compositions of.

We could have drawn into the night, wrote into the morning.

Moving from city to city because we could never pay the rent.

I could have been,





Anything but the kind of wife I am now.